Author: Claudio Afonso

Multi-disciplinary design leader with an intricate understanding of digital and its myriad of facets. I began my career two decades ago in South Africa, where I crafted boundary-breaking marketing and brand experiences that connected with diverse audiences (unique to an emerging market) and garnered the attention of the industry, winning numerous awards along the way.
Accessibility. Why inclusive design makes economic sense

Accessibility. Why inclusive design makes economic sense

Hey there! Today, we’re talking about a topic that’s near and dear to my product designer heart: web accessibility. What is web accessibility, you ask? Simply put, it’s the practice of making sure your digital products and services can be used by everyone, regardless of their ability, skill, or education level. And not only is…

Design. Code. Launch.

Design. Code. Launch.

Design. Code. Launch. — an event hosted in partnership with Microsft — about creating experiences within the Android ecosystem, from large-screen to dual-screen.

Concept Prototyping for Hardware

Concept Prototyping for Hardware

It’s no secret that we’ve got a lot of experience in product innovation and hardware prototyping. Avalon CX’s approach validates the customer experience ahead of any technology deployment. Our creative approach allows us to test and validate concepts earlier. This fills the gap between an early PowerPoint presentation and holding the first, tangible model in our hands.

The Business Case of CX, Part 1.

The Business Case of CX, Part 1.

Intuitively we know that offering what our customers like is good for business. What’s the business benefit of understanding your customers, their needs, and preferences? Why should you spend time and effort to reject features when you can include them all? What’s the RoI of CX?